Why teens texting and driving is so dangerous


We have all heard or seen the commercials that warn against texting and driving, but how many of us really pay attention to the warnings. Have you ever reached for the phone to read that text that comes in while you are at the wheel? As dangerous as it is for adults to distract themselves for a split second, the statistics show that it’s even more hazardous when teens do it.

  • Teens are responsible for 10 percent of crash fatalities
  • Over half of teens admit to texting and driving
  • Forty one (41%)  percent of teens admit to emailing while driving
  • Twenty Four (24%) percent of teens admit to  surfing the net while driving

Studies suggest that texting, emailing or web-surfing take your eyes off the road for about 4.6 seconds, long enough to drive the length of a football field. Teens lack the experience on the road to handle distractions and emergencies. Although no one should text and drive, the habit has deadly repercussions when teens practice it. So put your cellphone in park when you drive.

If you’ve been injured in an accident with a teen driver who was texting, please call 301-251-1286 today or contact the Law Offices of Stuart L. Plotnick, LLC for your consultation with an experienced Bethesda car accident attorney.