Common Types of Car Accident Injuries

When you get into a seemingly minor car accident, your injuries can still be seriously devastating and even fatal. Our Rockville car accident attorney understands the dynamics of car accident injuries and how they can impact your life long-term.

The type and severity of your car accident injuries will be affected by a variety of factors including:

  • Whether or not vehicle occupants were wearing seatbelts
  • The location the vehicle impact occurs
  • The speed of the cars involved at the time of impact
  • The vehicle types, makes and models of all automobiles involved
  • The presence and type of vehicular safety defects

These variables can easily turn seemingly harmless cuts, broken bones and bruises into life threatening or debilitating injuries. Some of the most common types of car accident injuries can include:

  • Neck, back and spinal injuries
  • Head injuries including traumatic brain injury
  • Internal organ damage
  • Damage to extremities

Depending on the extent of these injuries, it is likely that both your professional and personal life will be greatly impacted. In some situations, you may be unable to go back to work, whether at your current place of employment or any job at all. Activities you once enjoyed may become impossible to perform, and these changes can be permanent. It’s important that you get the compensation you deserve for all of the damages you suffer, whether immediately or long-term.

If you have suffered a personal injury due to a car accident, contact the Law Offices of Stuart L. Plotnick, LLC at (301) 251-1286 to schedule a free consultation with our experienced Rockville car accident attorney today.